After spending 10 to 12 hours a day at the office, your everyday lives can be increasingly characterised by deadlines and ever-growing demands in the workplace. Add to this, the long commuting hours. Worse, if you are driving through peak traffic yourself. The result: stress! Most employers have realised that one of the keys to productivity is having happy and healthy employees. They are aware that periods of stress at work should be effectively neutralised by periods of relaxation so that you are free of any physical and psychological illnesses;
With less than 1 per cent of all the earth’s water available as fresh water for human consumption, water obviously is a scarce resource and therefore, needs to be used judiciously. We have to find ways of cutting down wastage of water from our daily lives. In an average home, showers have typically the third largest water usage after toilets and washing machines. According to a UK sustainable shower study by Unilever UK and Ireland, on what British families really get up to in the shower, the findings were revealing.
Vipin and Vineeta – a super happy couple in their 50’s living in Mumbai suddenly had their lives turned upside down when Vineeta took a tumble in the bathroom. She slipped and fell fracturing her hip bone for which an immediate surgical intervention was required. More people are injured, sometimes even fatally, in bathroom falls than in any other room in the house. According to a research report by the Home Safety Council, preventable home injuries are the fifth largest cause of death in the U.S.
Everyone looks forward to taking a shower in the morning. It’s an experience that awakens your senses and leaves you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Some take a shower in the evenings as well, as it’s a place where you let all your worries melt away after a hard days work. Or are you among those who greet their shower as, "Good morning danger! You are just too hot to handle."
Did you know that the humble throne in your bathroom is a haven for bugs and germs and was secretly harbouring millions of bacteria you knew nothing about? While your eyes see a sparkling clean toilet but what the heat map, or the grime map, shows how your toilet could actually be a residence to colonies of bacteria.
It lights up with a blue glow and the seat temperature warms up if it’s cold. There’s no need for toilet paper any more. Its numerous wash modes, built-in dryer, and deodoriser integrate all the functions of a bidet, taking personal cleansing to an altogether new level. Yes, this is the throne of the future. Jaquar’s new BIDSPA Prime electronic water closet is a toilet that on the one hand epitomizes minimalist and ergonomic design, while on the other it is a technological marvel. The Japanese been hooked for decades on high-tech toilets.
We all crave for a green earth but we don’t realize that our everyday habits are destroying this beautiful earth we have inherited. Would you be surprised to learn that a dripping tap can waste between 300 ml/hour (at the rate of 1 drip/second) to 1 litre/hour? But did you know that your child could use about 21.8 litres of water if s/he leaves the water running while brushing teeth every time using a regular faucet; while the consumption can be brought down to just 3 litres by replacing it with an intelligent Jaquar Sensor Faucet? Now that’s a big saving of 86 per cent.
If you are wondering what kind of faucet you should choose for your bathroom, Jaquar brings you the Kubix Prime, which gives a solution to all your requirements. It is a stunning new design that demonstrates how a classic form can evolve into contemporary silhouette. Its slimmer lines celebrate a 21st century aesthetic that walks the minimalism talk, and yet retains its hold on the centre stage with an unmistakable presence in the finest of bathrooms, complemented by the effortless performance of its role.
Even a decade ago one had to run from "pillar to post" to get a property registered. It is only in India you will find a cottage industry of hawkers who know how to grease the wheels of a creaky system bedevilled by red tape and stifling bureaucracy. But thanks to information technology, awakened civil society, and a responsive government in the centre that promises and delivers "citizen rights", the winds of change has finally arrived. Today, if there is one state which has embraced Digital India whole heartedly it is Punjab, which has outsourced most of its citizen services to professional private organisations.
Punjab leads the rest of India on e-governance by empowering its citizens to access government services under one roof in the most transparent and accountable manner. The state government of Punjab is a pioneer in the use of Information Technology for e-governance that reaches across the length and breadth of the state for last-mile connectivity unparalleled in India so far. BLS International, as a service operator that operates, maintains, manages the Sewa Kendras, is proud partner of this initiative.
Visa interview is a face-to-face interaction between the applicant and a diplomatic officer of the country for which a request to travel is made. The purpose of a visa interview is to gauge the suitability of granting a visa after the applicant’s application has been processed and found eligible on parameters of financial security and educational qualifications. During the visa interview, the applicant is not solely questioned on the provided information in the visa application form but also on intent and attitude. The objective of the diplomatic official is to re-confirm the applicant’s situation, his/her answer-ability, frankness, and accuracy.