Abhiyan‚s SEM provides you with quality business leads and sales opportunities so that you can focus on closing sales instead of finding customers. We generate qualified leads from different digital channels for the automotive, education, retail, real estate, insurance and personal finance (home, car, and personal loans) industries.

How SEM works:

  • We research your product and industry before arriving at relevant keywords that would trigger display & text advertisements
  • We create text ads and landing pages based on relevant keywords
  • We select relevant search networks and bid for keywords in these networks, where your ads should appear and induce prospective clients to leave their contact details

What‚s a Landing Page?

Also known as the lead capturing page, it is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on an Internet advertisement. A landing page is one of the most important aspects of SEM, because the quality score and the performance of your campaign depends upon how well it is created.

Benefits of SEM:

  • More cost effective than newspaper advertising - while you pay for a newspaper ad even if a person doesn‚t notice it, in SEM you pay only if someone clicks on your ad!
  • The same budget can last for an entire month in Internet advertising, as compared to what you would spend on just one newspaper ad
  • You have greater control - you can decide on the daily budget, the geography where you want to target your ads and choose whether to or not to advertise on weekends. You even have the flexibility to scale your ad campaign up or down depending upon its results.