Did you know the most credible advertising comes straight from the people we know and trust. According to Nielson Global Trust in Advertising Report 2015, more than eight-in-10 global respondents (83%) say they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations of friends and family. But trust isn‚t confined only to those in our inner circle. In fact, two-thirds (66%) say they trust consumer opinions posted online–the third-most-trusted format.
With social media having become such an integral part of most peoples lives, getting feedback, recommendations or reviews about products or services is just a click away! This means that you have to change the way you communicate with consumers - a monologue eulogising your product will not help! You must engage them in a dialogue by focusing on their needs and benefits.
Most people don‚t care about your ads as much as they care about what their friends think. 96% of Internet users are part of a social network, and regularly turn to social media before making buying decisions. Do you see how important this ‘digital word of mouth’ is?
The Nielson Report fortifies it. It states that owned (brand-managed) online channels are also among the most trusted advertising formats; not the paid channels so much. In fact, branded websites are the second-most trusted format, with 70% of global respondents saying they completely or somewhat trust these sites. In addition, more than half of respondents (56%) trust emails they signed up for.
For small and medium businesses, social media is an ideal channel for brand building, because investment is negligible, while returns are high! You do not need to buy any media - just pay your agency for posting updates regularly and expanding your domain.
As a leading digital agency, we at Abhiyan, keep up with the latest trends in social media strategies. We work closely with you and your marketing team to make sure your business stays ahead. What are you waiting for?
Give us a call or fill in the form above and let us help you make your marketing super effective.